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how it works

Measure. Report. Reduce.

NxtLog has the tools and insights you need to stay ahead in the sustainability race, making a tangible impact on the environment while improving your company's reputation and profitability. Transform your transportation network today with NxtLog 2.0 - the future of sustainable logistics.

Our Mission

Your all-in-one solution for transport emissions

Seamless integration of various
data sources

Effortlessly upload your data to NxtLog in multiple formats, from simple Excel files to advanced API connections and bespoke system integrations. Streamline your journey towards sustainable logistics with seamless data integration.

Transforming Data Chaos into Harmonized Source

Our cutting-edge data cleaning algorithms convert disarray into a high-quality database. Through data preparation, we harmonize inputs for comparability (e.g., MUC, Munich, Muenchen, 85356) and proceed to data enrichment, adding logical insights to accurately represent transportation in pre, post, and main legs.

Detailed emissions calculation

NxtLog utilizes the latest technologies to accurately calculate CO2e emissions for all modes of transportation, ensuring compliance with standards such as ISO-14083, EN 16258, and GLEC, in alignment with the CSRD requirements. Our approach details emissions by phase—pre, main, and post-carriage—and offers customized analyses for specific ship or aircraft types, enabling deeper sustainability insights.

Smooth regulatory compliance and customized reports

Our reports align with industry standards like ISO 14083 (CSRD), guaranteeing compliance. Tailor reports to various stakeholders—regulators, customers, employees—with options for detailed customization by transport type, geography, and more. Our system adeptly handles all transport modes and phases, from pre-carriage to on-carriage.

Optimize your transport network emissions

NxtLog examines various optimization strategies and simulates their impact on costs and delivery times to identify quick wins that improve both costs or delivery times and emissions. In cases where reduction is not possible, NxtLog facilitates insetting  through our partners and ensures that your operations remain sustainable. Optimize or offset with NxtLog for a greener, more cost-effective supply chain.

Get started

Start your free 14-days trial

See how to turn data into lasting impact. Say goodbye to weeks of manual data cleaning and hello to creating compliant reports in minutes. Start your journey towards sustainability today!

Upload your transport data
Upload your csv or excel file. Our algorithms will automatically recognize the columns.
Calculate transport emissions
Automatic calculation of emissions with maximum modularity.
Get customized reports
Automatic export after selecting the reporting requirements and required data.
Start free trial
No credit card required

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